I know it's been a long time since I've updated my blog... sorry. There hasn't been too much going on and I still can't get my camera to download pictures.
We have had some fun family nights with the Batka's. A few weeks ago we got together for our 2nd annual Christmas cookie baking with the kids. This year we had Jay & Brad here with us. We had a great time. The kids always start out being really helpful but then lose interest after a while. I guess maybe next time we should do so many cookies! It took us a while to figure out the right combination of how thick the dough should be and baking times. The first couple of batches were well done blobs... they still tasted good.
Since the first family night was a success (kids fell asleep instantly!), we got together two weeks later and did homemade pizza night. Again, some trouble with baking times but in the end they tasted great. If you ask Jay & Brad they will tell you they are going to start a franchise of their special pizza they made. They both said it was even good cold the next day.
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. Our Christmas tree started out completely decorated but by the end of the first week it was up all of the ornaments ended up on the top half of the tree. Mr. P enjoyed taking all of the bulbs off and throwing them around the room! Hannah was really into opening presents and just more interested all around. We put out cookies Christmas Eve for Santa and she wanted to open all of the presents. Of course, she ripped through them so quickly that I still don't think she knows what she received. She kept saying "thank you, this is just what I wanted... can I have another present?". The only two things that she asked Santa for were a hat & a kite. She did get both but she had to point out that she asked Santa for a purple kite and he brought her one with a ladybug on it. Nothing gets by that kid.
Parker didn't want much to do with opening gifts this year. I felt guilty that he didn't have as many gifts as Hannah did to open but he didn't even care.
Our downstairs living room looks like a toy store exploded in there. Our kids are so blessed (by that I mean spoiled!) by grandparents, great grandparents & aunts. We had a wonderful holiday with our families. We are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives.
Oh yeah, my good friend Cheri is in town this week so she & her little boy Jackson came over tonight along with Michelle & the Batka kids and we had a fun play night. We ordered pizza and let the kids run around and destroy the house for a while. I love watching the kids run around and be carefree. I don't care how messy the house gets, they have such a good time. Michelle, Cheri & I were able to sit and catch up. Thanks for coming over girls, I had fun.. hope you did too!
I hope every one had a Merry Christmas! I can't believe another year has gone by. Have a safe New Year.
Life is good for Liz
5 years ago