Today we decided to have a fun family day and took the kids to Crazy Bounce. We had such a great time. We pretty much had the whole place to ourselves, when we got there I think there were only 2 other kids there. We paid for 2 hours of play time (which was more than enough time!). By the time we got done Parker was having a hard time staying on his feet because he was running around so much. I took Parker down one of the slides when we got there and he did not like it at all. To be honest, I didn't like it either!! Those slides are steep. Hannah didn't want to go down either. We had so much fun running from one thing to the next. Our kids are at such a fun age right now and things keep getting better. I love watching them run around and play. The next couple of months are going to be a little crazy around here so it was a great way to spend time together and have fun.
Parker in the ball pit.. that was about the only thing he really liked to play in.

I love that gorgeous smile!
My wonderful family! Thanks for such a fun day, I love you guys with all my heart!!!