Friday, September 5, 2008

The end is near...

I only have one more week of work at Northland. I am sitting here trying to clean up my desk and get things ready for the new person that is staring on Monday. As I sit in this chair that I have planted myself in for nearly 10 years now, a lot of things are running through my mind. When I first started here (the VERY first time) I was only 18 years old!! I worked here for about 6 months through Manpower and was not hired in. About 3 years later I received a phone call from Kelli (my boss) asking me if I would be interested in coming back to work. This really is my first "real" job. I think back to what my life was like back then. I was completely irresponsible and really only cared about myself. For whatever reason the people that work here never leave! We have very little turn over in our office which is very rare in most jobs. So the people that I work with have watched me grow up. If it weren't for this place, I would not have met Jay! My co-workers have been with me through all of my major milestones. They were at my wedding, when I bought my first house and now they watch me tackle motherhood! Kelli, Jenny & Cathy probably know more about me than my family or closest friends. I am going to miss them so very much. I hope that they will miss me too. I hope that they will miss all of my crazy stories about my kids, my venting about Jay and all of the other frustrations in my life. I hope they know that I will miss hearing their stories as well. So here I sit at my desk with tears streaming down my face, completely dreading how hard next week is going to be for me! Sorry for the rambling. I know many of my thoughts are scattered. I guess that's really how I am feeling right now.


Cari said...

I cry for you...I hate good-byes and closing chapter in this book I call my life. I understand your emotions!

M said...

Laurie, Please know that you will be missed very much. It has been fun watching you "grow up" from that teen to a confident young woman, to a great Mom.

Enjoy the next part of your journey, your kids are only little for a very short time, so relish every day (and know, that like cockroaches after a nuclear bomb, we will all most likely still be here if you ever want to come back!!!)