Thursday, September 25, 2008

They grow up too fast!

Sorry this is my third post tonight! I promise it's my last. I'm digging this picture thing. I just had to put some pics of the new "big kid" things for my kids.
First up, Hannah...

This is her dance outfit. She looks so darn cute.

These are the stars she gets to put on the back of the bathroom door when she goes potty. She has a lot more now, I think she's up to 17.

I tried to get a picture of her in her big girl panties but of course she ran away from me.

Now for Mr. P. He got a big boy hair cut. This is probably his 5th hair cut but this is for sure the shortest it's been. He looks even more like his dad now. This is before (with pop tart all over his face!).

And this is after...He looks like a big boy!

It's scary how fast they grow up. It seems like we just brought Hannah home from the hospital. We sure are lucky to have two beautiful, healthy, happy kids. I really promise I'm done for the night now!

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