Friday, December 26, 2008
I know, it's been a long time...
We have had some fun family nights with the Batka's. A few weeks ago we got together for our 2nd annual Christmas cookie baking with the kids. This year we had Jay & Brad here with us. We had a great time. The kids always start out being really helpful but then lose interest after a while. I guess maybe next time we should do so many cookies! It took us a while to figure out the right combination of how thick the dough should be and baking times. The first couple of batches were well done blobs... they still tasted good.
Since the first family night was a success (kids fell asleep instantly!), we got together two weeks later and did homemade pizza night. Again, some trouble with baking times but in the end they tasted great. If you ask Jay & Brad they will tell you they are going to start a franchise of their special pizza they made. They both said it was even good cold the next day.
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. Our Christmas tree started out completely decorated but by the end of the first week it was up all of the ornaments ended up on the top half of the tree. Mr. P enjoyed taking all of the bulbs off and throwing them around the room! Hannah was really into opening presents and just more interested all around. We put out cookies Christmas Eve for Santa and she wanted to open all of the presents. Of course, she ripped through them so quickly that I still don't think she knows what she received. She kept saying "thank you, this is just what I wanted... can I have another present?". The only two things that she asked Santa for were a hat & a kite. She did get both but she had to point out that she asked Santa for a purple kite and he brought her one with a ladybug on it. Nothing gets by that kid.
Parker didn't want much to do with opening gifts this year. I felt guilty that he didn't have as many gifts as Hannah did to open but he didn't even care.
Our downstairs living room looks like a toy store exploded in there. Our kids are so blessed (by that I mean spoiled!) by grandparents, great grandparents & aunts. We had a wonderful holiday with our families. We are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives.
Oh yeah, my good friend Cheri is in town this week so she & her little boy Jackson came over tonight along with Michelle & the Batka kids and we had a fun play night. We ordered pizza and let the kids run around and destroy the house for a while. I love watching the kids run around and be carefree. I don't care how messy the house gets, they have such a good time. Michelle, Cheri & I were able to sit and catch up. Thanks for coming over girls, I had fun.. hope you did too!
I hope every one had a Merry Christmas! I can't believe another year has gone by. Have a safe New Year.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Random stuff
Parker & Jay on the Apple Express
Hannah & I on the Apple Express
Hannah and I making cupcakes.
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's been a while
Parker is walking like a champ now. His little legs look too short to support his body, I can't help but laugh at him. He and Hannah are interacting and playing together all the time now. I love watching them play.
Hannah is still doing well in dance. She is participating the whole time now! Last week they started practicing for the dance they will do for us the last day of class. Her teacher suggested that the parents not watch so it's a surprise. We have had issues with her being sassy and time outs just don't work anymore. Our new punishment has been to take her tv out of her room. Last night was not fun and she ended up being put to bed at 7:30. I can only imagine what her teen years are going to be like! I tell my parents this stuff and they just laugh at me. But on a positive note, potty training is going great. She still only wants to pee on the potty but now she says she's too big to use the potty seat and just wants to sit on the toilet. That works for me!
We went to Lewis' Farm Market on Saturday. Jay checked their website and found out they were doing a big thing with a bunch of activities for the kids from noon until 4 that day. Luckily I was able to get out of work early so we headed up there around 1. That place was huge and so busy! They have a petting area with goats, bunnies, llamas etc... Hannah wanted to feed them but she didn't want to let them eat out of her hand, she wanted to throw it at them! A $10 wristband allowed Hannah to do any activity until 4 and she did all of it. They have a pillow bounce (basically a big trampoline). I did take Parker out on that, he enjoyed it. They have the "Apple Express" that takes you on a ride through the apple orchard. I believe the property is about 700 acres. We were able to pick our own pumpkins too. We got 2 very large pumpkins for $7!! We took a ton of pictures and I have tried at least 10 times to download them and it keeps freezing up on me. Hopefully I will get it figured out soon. It was a really great day though. The weather was perfect and we all had fun. At one point I told Jay that I was so happy I could have cried! I love doing stuff like that with my family.
Well, we have a busy Monday to get ready for so I'm off!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Big day
The other big thing yesterday was Hannah actually participated in dance!!! I was really proud of her. At first she was shy but the teacher took her hand and got her out there and she was fine for the rest of the class. It was so cute to watch. The girls had a lot of energy though, they didn't want to listen to the teacher much... they wanted to run around most of the time. It was fun to watch though.
Every day I know more and more that I made the right decision by staying home. I am very happy and enjoying every second with my kids. Even when they are being naughty and testing my patience I wouldn't change a thing!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
They grow up too fast!
This is her dance outfit. She looks so darn cute.
These are the stars she gets to put on the back of the bathroom door when she goes potty. She has a lot more now, I think she's up to 17.
I tried to get a picture of her in her big girl panties but of course she ran away from me.
Now for Mr. P. He got a big boy hair cut. This is probably his 5th hair cut but this is for sure the shortest it's been. He looks even more like his dad now. This is before (with pop tart all over his face!).
And this is after...He looks like a big boy!
It's scary how fast they grow up. It seems like we just brought Hannah home from the hospital. We sure are lucky to have two beautiful, healthy, happy kids. I really promise I'm done for the night now!
Silly stuff
Super Parker
He's a super hero with a fake hot dog in his hand!
Too cute! The cape detaches for when he goes to bed. Thanks Grammy Patti, we love it!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Update on the potty training
Friday, September 19, 2008
Potty Training
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Dance? Maybe next time.
Dance didn't go so well. Hannah was so shy, she didn't want much to do with the whole thing. That's okay, we'll keep trying. Maybe she'll warm up eventually. Hannah's friend Claire was just as shy. Claire did get out there toward the end and she was so cute! Of course, when we got home last night Hannah was doing all of the things they did in the class. Next week I think I'll try sitting in the hall where she can't see me. Who knows!
I did forget in my last post to fill every one in on my last day at Northland. It was a very emotional day from start to finish. I am very blessed to have worked with such wonderful people. The waterworks started as soon as I dropped the kids off to Julie. We both cried. We've been very lucky to have Julie there to take such great care of our kids. I then cried all the way to work and for about the first 30 minutes I was there. I could smell flowers before I even got to my desk. Cathy had a beautiful bouquet of white lillies for me. She also got me some really great books.. creative play, silly snacks & a devotional book. Oh and Hannah's favorite thing, silly straws... one pink, one blue. I don't know how Cathy does this but she always finds the most appropriate cards to give. Thanks Cathy!! That card was the best. Jenny got me the same craft book that Cathy did. Great minds think alike?! We got a laugh about that. I was able to dry up the tears to make it through the rest of the morning and through our potluck. When we were finished eating they gave me more great gifts. They gave me a gift certificate for Lyn Phillips (where I get my hair done), a gift card for Bed, Bath & Beyond, an engraved beer mug (either they really know me or they really know my kids!) and a basket full of yummy smelling candles and that kind of stuff. Ed, Kelli, Cathy, Jenny, Sylvia, Michelle, Gail, Bev, Deb & Warren really made my last day very special. Don't worry guys, you haven't seen the last of me. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for every thing.
So the last "good bye" we had to say was to Julie. Jay and I stopped and picked up some flowers for her. Of course, we cried again when we picked the kids up. I don't think I can ever express how much it has meant to have Julie watch our kids. I have known Julie since the 3rd grade. I know how wonderful she is with her own kids and she loves our kids like they were her own. Julie, thank you for being there for most of my kids "firsts". I wouldn't have it any other way. Julie made us a dvd of pictures of the kids at her house. She put it to music (Rascall Flatts "My Wish" and another song called "Remember Me"). It was beautiful and again I cried! Jay couldn't watch it, he made it about 1/4 of the way through and had to get up and walk away. I called her to thank her again and what did we do?! Cried!!
My goodness, I've rambled on a lot in this post. I promise, they won't be like this anymore.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Day one...
Yesterday I was able to clean, do laundry AND make dinner. I never do all three in the same day. After dinner, Hannah and I went grocery shopping while the boys stayed home. I really think I can get used to this new life. It was a great day, but maybe that's because the kids were so good all day, we know that's not going to happen every day! Today we are off to the gym so Hannah can do a toddler class. I hope she enjoys that. They really like to play in the day care at the gym so that will be a fun little outlet for us. Addyson is coming over at 1 and then Hannah has dance today. Hopefully I can figure out how to put pictures on here tonight. I hope she loves it.
Mr. P is done with breakfast and he's yelling at me. Til next time!